Launch our website

Our website offers so much for both the parents and the children. We have activity workbooks which place your children on a simple route to learning. These activity workbooks provide all the tools needed for your child and are specifically designed to for a certain age group. We also offer a children’s project gallery for uploading artwork. Each child has their own signature style, and we would love to share it with everyone! Making sure the children of our community enjoy their education is just as important to us. Being part of a small community, we also know how difficult it is making sure your child has the best Armenian education possible. But we have made that possible, by adding a feature to our website such as Art Projects, free quizzes and free downloads. Lastly, we offer a subscription to our website, which will provide you with e-mails updating you about any Armenian community events near you. Arevik Kids Activity guarantees the easiest way to provide your children with a fun and easy path to success.