May 28, 1918 - First Armenian Independent day

May 28, 1918 – First Independence Day of Armenia

Every year on May 28 Armenians commemorate. Our schools close in significance of the Armenian Independence Day.

What happened in May of 1918?

Most of us know this date to be the Armenian Independence Day, but I know that some of us do not know much about it other than after 6 centuries, Armenia gained its independence.

So I did some basic research, digging in a little to share in simpler terms not only the outcome; independence, but also the significance of what happened and thus, why this is an important date in our history.

In May of 1918 the Ottoman army was advancing towards the heart of Armenia, Yerevan and Etch Miyadzin.  Armenians knew that this will be their “To Be Or Not To Be” fight. They came together, men, women, elderly and children. Their front defense line was made up of the regular Armenian military units and the militia, concentrated in Sartarabad, Bash Abaran and Gharakilisa.  Women, children and the elderly, worked day and night to provide their fighters with the essentials; water, food and weaponry.

The battle lasted 9 days, from May 21 to May 29, 1918.  Armenians had decided on victory even before they defeated the Turkish Army. It is said that not only did this battle halt the Ottoman advance into the rest of Armenia, but also prevented the destruction of the Armenian nation.

This was life or death. Not only for the Armenian fighters but for their country.

On May 28, 1918, six centuries after the collapse of the last Armenian Kingdom, the Armenian National Council in Tbilisi declared the birth of First Republic of Armenia.

In the words of the British Historian and Author; Christopher J. Walker, “had the Armenians lost this battle, it is perfectly possible that the word Armenia would have henceforth denoted only an antique geographical term”.

The significance of this battle is Unity. When we unite, great, extraordinary things happen. On May 28, 1918, we became one. We kept our country, identity and being.